Previous GASOC Journal Clubs
Papers Discussed
27th Nov 2023
Randomized Trial of Early Detection and Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage (Gallos I, Devall A, Martin J, et al., 2023)
Speakers included:
Dr Sindhu Natarajan (Programme Manager for the E-MOTIVE trial at the Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham).
Leanne Beeson (Programme Officer for the E-MOTIVE trial at the Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham).
Francis Muriithi (SAS Training Fellow in Urogynaecology, Singleton & Gloucestershire Royal Programme).
Papers Discussed
12th Sept 2023
The governance of overseas surgical collaborations - BFIRST/BSSH (Jemec B, Lam W, Hodgson SP, et al., 2020)
Review of the First 108 Free Flaps at Public Health Concern Trust-NEPAL Hospitals: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Countries (Nakarmi KK, Rochlin DH, Basnet SJ, et al., 2018)
Speakers included:
Mr Brian Sommerlad - Consultant Plastic Surgeon, St Andrew’s Centre, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford and Honorary Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London
Mr Kiran Nakarmi, MD, MCh - Head of the Department of Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Kirtipur Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
Papers Discussed
20th July 2023
The efficacy and safety of an adapted opioid-free anesthesia regimen versus conventional general anesthesia in gynecological surgery for low-resource settings: a randomized pilot study. (Tochie et al., 2022)
Speakers included:
Dr Joel Tochie (Anaesthetist and Intensive Care doctor, Douala, Cameroon)
Papers Discussed
30th May 2023
Breech specialist midwives and clinics in the OptiBreech Trial feasibility study: An implementation process evaluation (Dasgupta et al., 2022)
Speakers included:
Dr Sabrina Das (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Principle Investigator, OptiBreech Care Trial)
Papers Discussed
29th March 2023
Enhanced postoperative surveillance versus standard of care to reduce mortality among adult surgical patients in Africa (ASOS-2): a cluster-randomised controlled trial
Understanding the performance of a pan-African intervention to reduce postoperative mortality: a mixed-methods process evaluation of the ASOS-2 trial
Speakers included:
Prof Bruce Biccard - Professor and Second Chair, Dept of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Groote Schuur Hospital & University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Dr Niki Vickery - Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Whipps Cross Hospital, UK. Clinical Research Fellow, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine Research Group, QMUL
Papers Discussed
28th Jan 2023
Priorities for content for a short-course on postoperative care relevant for low- and middle- income countries: an e-Delphi process with training facilitators (Cerezo de Hermes et al., 2022)
Speakers included:
Dr Gita Nath - Consultant, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Axon Anaesthesia Associates, Hyderabad. Rainbow Children's Hospital and Birthright, India
Dr K. Sailaja - Consultant Anaesthesia. Rainbow Children's Hospital, India
Papers Discussed
28th May 2022
The status of medical devices and their utilisation in 9 tertiary hospitals and 5 research institutions in Uganda (Ssekitoleko et al., 2021)
The usability, acceptability, and performance of the Maternal PPH Wrap device in controlling postpartum hemorrhage: A pilot study at Kawempe National Referral Hospital, Uganda (Owino et al., 2021)
Speakers included:
Dr Robert Tamale Ssekitoleko (Biomedical engineering unit, Makerere University, Uganda)
Maureen Etuket (Biomedical engineering unit, Makerere University, Uganda)
Papers Discussed
28th May 2022
The status of medical devices and their utilisation in 9 tertiary hospitals and 5 research institutions in Uganda (Ssekitoleko et al., 2021)
The usability, acceptability, and performance of the Maternal PPH Wrap device in controlling postpartum hemorrhage: A pilot study at Kawempe National Referral Hospital, Uganda (Owino et al., 2021)
Speakers included:
Dr Robert Tamale Ssekitoleko (Biomedical engineering unit, Makerere University, Uganda)
Maureen Etuket (Biomedical engineering unit, Makerere University, Uganda)
Papers Discussed
29th March 2022
Post-Decolonisation: Global Health and Global Surgery's Coming of Age (Chawla et al, 2022)
Speakers included:
Dr Bhavna Chawla - Surgeon, Medecins Sans Frontieres & International Committee of the Red Cross
Professor Dhananjaya Sharma - Head of Department of Surgery, NSCB Government Medical College Jabalpur (MP), India
Papers Discussed
13th December 2021
Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults
(Semler et al, 2018)
Preoperative fasting times in elective surgical patients at a referral Hospital in Botswana (Abebe et al, 2016)
Speakers included:
Dr Fekadu Getahun, a 2nd year anesthesiology resident of Tikur Anbesa specialized hospital (TASH), Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Dr Sarah Musalale, a 2nd year anaesthesiology resident of The University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Lusaka, Zambia
Papers Discussed
18th October 2021
Burden of physical, psychological and social ill-health during and after pregnancy among women in India, Pakistan, Kenya and Malawi (McCauley et al., 2018)
How women's experiences and perceptions of care influence uptake of postnatal care across sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative systematic review (Lythgoe et al., 2021)
Speakers included:
Dr Mary McCauley ( Cons Obstetrician at Liverpool Women's Hospital)
Hannah McCauley ( Senior Midwife & PhD Student at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)
Papers Discussed
29th June 2021
Geographic, Subject, and Authorship Trends among LMIC-based Scientific Publications in High-impact Global Health and General Medicine Journals: A 30-Month Bibliometric Analysis (Ghani et al., 2021)
Evaluation of Gasless Laparoscopy as aTool for Minimal Access Surgery in Low-to Middle-Income Countries: A Phase II Noninferiority Randomized Controlled Study (Mishra et al., 2020)
Speakers included:
Prof Alfred Papali - University of Maryland School of Medicine​
Prof Anurag Mishra - Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi​
Papers Discussed
!3th April 2021
Global Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine
Speakers included:
Dr Sarah Okiya, Consultant Anaesthetist, Kenya​
Ms Gatwiri Murithi, Project Manager Safe Surgery an Anaesthesia​
Professor John Asthon, Regional Director of Public Health and Regional Medical Officer for the UK Department of Health
Papers Discussed
December 2020
The Specialist Surgeon Workforce in East, Central and Southern Africa: A Situation Analysis, World Journal of Surgery 2016
​“GRASP” Module of Self-assessment with Virtual Mentoring for Uninterrupted Surgical Training During COVID-19 Pandemic, Indian Journal of Surgery 2020
Presented by Mr Eric O'Flynn and Professor Dhananjaya Sharma
Papers Discussed
July 2020
"Growing research in global surgery with an eye towards equity"
BJS Vol 106, Issue 2
Dr ​Bethany Hedt-Gauthier
Papers Discussed
April 2020
Incidence of maternal peripartum infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Dr Susannah Wood
Papers Discussed
January 2020
Dr Hilary Edgecombe
Papers Discussed
!3th April 2021
Surgical referral systems in low and middle income counties: A review of the evidence
Pitalis, Bruga & Gajewski 2019
Papers Discussed
!3th April 2021
Engagement and the role of surgical trainees in global surgery: Consensus statement and recommendations from the Associations of Surgeons in Training.
Papers Discussed
!3th April 2021
Papers Discussed
!3th April 2021
ReBaS Malawian burns prevention and treatment programme analysis - thesis to be presented by Emily Broadis