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Dr Anisa Jafar

Emergency and Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Dr Anisa Jafar - Houghton Dunn Fellow at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute & ST7 in Emergency and Paediatric Emergency Medicine at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Anisa’s PhD focussed on medical documentation by emergency medical teams (EMTs) in sudden-onset disasters which led to her work alongside the WHO EM working group to refine a minimum data set for disaster contexts. She is a member of the RCEM Global Emergency Medicine committee and is deputy Chair of the RCEM Research & Publications committee; was a founding member of the Global Emergency Care Collaborative (GECCo); and is developing a research portfolio to evidence the bilateral impact of UK emergency care practitioners engaged in global health (i.e. access-, resource-, and context-limited health – ARC-H).

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