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Thank you to all those that attended the Symposium.


If you wanted another chance to follow some of the topics raised today please check out the Q&A from the event below or click the icon to watch the recording of the event: (passcode: &hp43yFN)



  • Abdourahmane Ndong: Hello, I think that training about global surgery is important for african surgical trainees. Unfortunately, to date I have seen any opportunity of free online training or MOOC about global surgery. Do you think that an online diploma or online course available for all surgical trainee from LMICS could help?"
    Mr Chihena Banda 01:38 PM I think courses are good but, a more practical approach would be better, getting more LMIC trainees surgeon in global surgery collaborate research, global surgery policy formulation and fellowships
  • How can we prevent the ‘brain drain’ of medical staff from LMICs to HICs?
    Alice Campion 01:51 PM Great question! So important for HICs to be more ethical in their active recruitment of health care workers from LMICs! There is an "earn, learn, return" scheme in the UK... with opportunities for highly skilled health workers to cross international borders to acquire skills, gain competencies, earn money and take skills home. ...We should aim for "brain circulation"! Read more on our GASOC blog...
  • Dr Abdullahi Said Hashi (Somalia): How many countries CONECSA worked, and are you planning to reach more countries?"
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:08 PM Limited to 8 countries for now. There is potential to grow in the future.
  • Godfrey Sama: How is the timeline to the actual implementation of the curricullum? And what challenges did you face especially dealing with varrying contextual characteristics of the CONECSA country members?
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:11 PM Curriculum already live. All constituent countries had input into the final document.
  • Felix Liu: Hello! Many thanks for a fascinating talk, Dr Kinirons. I’m curious how you see the role of firstly, clinical simulation, and secondly, point-of-care ultrasound in the LMIC setting? Thank you!"
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:07 PM Good question, there is obvious room for both. I have seen high fidelity simulation equipment in a LMIC University hospital lying idle due to the absence of trained personel and bio medical support. This piece requires more than just machines.
  • Melkamu Nidaw: I want to ask is there any leadership training being provided for surgeons in Low and middle income countries which is designed to fit to the setup they are working in.
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:13 PM I am sure COSECSA have such courses
  • How do you think junior anaesthetic trainees can contribute to these teaching/training efforts, perhaps from a distance, in these current times of travel restrictions?"
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:02 PM We include CAI trainees in all our HOT courses in Malawi. Very popular and successful collaboration.
  • Mohammed Nuhu Ahmed: Is it possible to train nurses to deliver safe Anaesthesia within 18 months Curriculum, training physicians anaesthetist will take minimum of 4 years and the number of physicians going for anaesthesia fellowship will not meet the required target?"
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:10 PM Anaesthetic Clinic Officers sometimes are nurses who have received additional training. We will continue to neeed ACOs in the future. We need to support both cadres.
  • Mohamed Abdinor Omar: Thank you Dr Barnie. I'm from Somalia is a country in civil war and destroyed all and sixty and a country lives lowest surgeons and aneasthestologist. What chance for us conesca and how conesca can be part the training of medical doctors?
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:00 PM Dear Mohamed, My understanding is that CANECSA is confined to the East, Central and Southern Africa only.
  • Felix Liu: Interesting to hear about CANECSA’s e-learning platform. Can I ask if this is open-access? Or, is anyone aware of high-quality free, open-access learning resources? FOAMEd / MOOCs, and how do these fit into local training programmes / curricula? Thank you."
    Dr Brian Kinirons 02:27 PM CANECSA - No it it not open and is for the CANECSA ttrainers and trainees.
  • Aruthy Arumugam: What kind of activities have helped in gently challenging and changing cultural beliefs like demonic possessions and empowering women? At time of presentation to hospital, time might be limited to intervene and educate?"
    Joanna Gibson 02:57 PM Changing cultural beliefs is very difficult. I think the advice from Dr Chioma about being a passion advocate for public health using different methods (social media, through healthcare and communities activities), and Dr Kinirons' advice about individuals standing up for what they believe and wanting to make a change, are both great pieces of advice. Being a role model and challenging cultural beliefs in a culturally sensitive way in the area where you work and live, is one way to attempt to make small changes which hopefully ripple out further. Inspiring and empowering others to make changes are also powerful tools to create sustainable change.
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