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Professor Tony Redmond OBE

Consultant Emergency Medicine, Manchester

Professor Tony Redmond OBE is Professor Emeritus of International Emergency Medicine at the University of Manchester, Past President of the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, and executive committee member of the Faculty of Remote Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

He qualified in Medicine from the University of Manchester and specialised in Emergency Medicine, training in the Northwest of England and in the United States. His special interests are in resuscitation, including the management of major trauma, which expanded into the management of humanitarian emergencies overseas. In 1995 he founded UK-Med , an International NGO based in Manchester, that provides emergency medical humanitarian assistance around the world. In 2008 he co-founded a research and teaching institute, the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI), at the University of Manchester.

He has responded to sudden onset disasters, wars, and disease outbreaks for over thirty years, most recently working in Ukraine. He has been a member of the WHO Emergency Medical Teams Initiative since its inception.

He is author of “FRONTLINE: Saving lives in War Disease and Disaster” published by HarperNorth.

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