Anaesthetic Rep - UK

Jules Harrington
I was inspired to work in global health following an MSc in Humanitarian Studies and a research internship with the WHO whilst a medical student. As an anaesthetic trainee I worked in Zambia as a teaching fellow, where I focused on teaching point of care ultrasound in intensive care and setting up a simulation training programme for anaesthetic emergencies. I am passionate about sustainable collaboration and innovation in anaesthesia, surgery and intensive care particularly through capacity building and education.

Caren Chu
I am an anaesthetics registrar in Wessex. I became interested in global health in medical school. I've spent time volunteering in South Africa, did my electives in Malawi and have recently spent time with Mercyships in Senegal and Gambia on their safe surgery project.
I look forward to working with GASOC, increasing collaboration with LMICs and getting anesthetists interested and involved with global health.

Jan Man Wong
I am an anaesthetic registrar in East London UK. I developed an interest in global health when I became a UNICEF Young Envoy in high school. I have travelled to the Himalayas (mobile clinics) and South Africa (HEE Improving Global Health Fellowship). I am enrolled in a Masters in Global Health Leadership. I am passionate about improving access to safer surgery and leading sustainable change via education and quality improvement.

Fiona Linton
I have developed an interest in global health and surgery since my elective in South Africa. I have also volunteered with Mercy Ships, initially in Togo as one of the hospital doctors, and have since returned to volunteer as an anaesthetic trainee in Madagascar, the Republic of Congo and Benin.
I've seen first-hand the real need for access to safe anaesthesia and surgery and I'm excited to now be involved with the work of GASOC.